What is it and how does it work?

Dry ice blasting is the process of using compressed air and pellets of dry ice to remove unwanted dirt, debris, or coatings. The process is similar to that of sand blasting. As the dry ice is blasted onto the surface, three things happen. First, the surface cools until the unwanted materials freeze and become brittle. Once the surface has cooled and the unwanted materials have frozen, the pellets then cause the frozen unwanted material to fracture and break. Lastly, the combination of pressure and heat transfer cause the dry ice to expand and evaporate, effectively dispersing the broken unwanted material away from the surface.


Why Dry Ice?

Sand, glass, water, and plastic are other materials used for removing unwanted materials from surfaces and tend to be cheaper, so why use dry ice? Dry ice is effective, safe, and has a lower environmental impact. 



While effective, pressure washing is not always strong enough to remove unwanted materials and sand, glass, and plastic blasting tend to cause unwanted damage to the surface underneath. Dry ice is a great alternative as it provides the power needed to remove unwanted materials while maintaining the integrity of the surface beneath, resulting in a like-new appearance.



Employee safety is always a concern when considering a removal method. With dry ice blasting, ensuring safety is simple. A properly ventilated area with a CO2 monitor and simple personal protective equipment keep employees safe while blasting. No special suits required.


Environmental Impact

As environmental impact continues to rise as a concern across the globe, removal methods must be considered under this scope. What sets dry ice apart from other methods is the ability to evaporate, leaving behind only the materials removed from the surface. This allows for easier disposal, creating less of an environmental impact overall than other methods.