Cooling Tower Cleaning

Cooling Tower Cleaning Overview

Cooling Towers are essential to the cooling season (the months when you relish the fact that your interior is between a cool 68-72 degrees when it’s over 90 degrees outside). We recommend that you have your cooling towers inspected on an annual basis and cleaned semi-annually which is in line with the industry recommendations to ensure that your system is clean and working efficiently. The benefits of cleaning your cooling tower before the start of the cooling season and at the end of the cooling season are twofold. One, you prevent dangerous bacteria that cause legionnaires disease from entering your ventilation system and two, you save on energy costs and have employees that are happy that the system is “keeping up.” Our cleaning process meets the ANSI/ASHRAE standards 188-2015 and leaves your system completely clean.

We will remove any build-up in the tower, including the basin and sidewalls, to inhibit bacteria growth and retain the air flow efficiency.

What The Cooling Tower Process Looks Like

During cleaning, the water flow to the cooling tower is shut down. Our team opens it up, electrically tags it out, and sprays it down with cleaner. We then conduct a thorough cleaning of the rest of the tower and finish with an inspection to see if further cleaning is needed. In a facility with multiple cooling towers for the same item, production can likely continue as usual and we will clean one tower at a time. If there is only one cooling tower to cool a certain item, production will need to stop while cleaning occurs. The duration of the cleaning largely depends on the state of the unit. Reach out to our team today for a job-accurate quote.

When This Service Is Needed

Cooling towers need to be cleaned twice a year, in the spring before the start of the cooling season and in the fall after the cooling season is complete. Cooling towers are outside and often on top of buildings so they are exposed to the various elements that come with the seasons experienced in your part of the country. This often includes rain/snow, high winds, dust, sand and temperature fluctuations of over 100 degrees. We clean the system before the season starts to clean out the debris that might have made its way into the idle system. When the system is not in use it can still accumulate build-up inside that needs to be removed before the system is operational so that it doesn’t cause the system to work harder than it needs to. The cleaning at the end of the operating system is necessary to clean out the system from all the debris that accumulated during the cooling season. It is important to clean this before the system sits in its non-operational state so that dangerous bacteria don’t begin to grow in the sludge that has accumulated in the basin and the build-up on the coils inside. Maintaining a semi-annual cleaning schedule for your cooling towers will help you rest easy that your system is clean, blowing clean, cool air and not eating unnecessarily at your bottom line through increased energy costs.

Schedule a Facility Walkthrough

We offer onsite consultations at your facility.