Commercial buildings go through an extensive process prior to being built. There are many proposals submitted by different vendors, many meetings held by leaders, and many decisions that need to be made. At the center of the entire process is typically the end goal of providing a safe, efficient, and productive workplace. Then the building is built and everyone moves in. Machinery, people, furniture, and more find their home. Then what happens? 

Building maintenance might be a top priority for leadership, but it may get swept under the rug. That is where our team and services come in. One service we provide for commercial buildings is air duct cleaning and sealing. 

Before air vent cleaning by Clear Air Enviro-ServicesAfter Air Vent Cleaning by Clear Air Enviro-Services

What is Air Duct Cleaning and Sealing?

Duct cleaning describes the process of cleaning the heating and cooling components of forced air systems using pressure cleaning tools or vacuum cleaning tools. Over time or due to environmental circumstances, such as an addition or remodel causing more dust in the area, the ducts can become clogged with dust and debris. Duct cleaning allows for a professional to come in and assess the condition of the ducts and leave the system in pristine working condition, creating the best indoor air quality for your organization.

Air duct sealing is the process of eliminating air leakage through gaps or seams in a duct system. After sealing air ducts, your system will operate more efficiently and keep your building temperature more consistent throughout as well as improving the indoor air quality.

Why Do We Need It?

Think of your air ducts as the lungs of your building, taking in the air around them and circulating it back into your business multiple times a day. If the ducts are ever exposed to moisture which produces mold, are infested with pests, or clogged with dust, the air being circulated can cause harm to the health of those in the building. A professional duct cleaning is in order to restore your building to a safe environment.

Air duct sealing can take any leaky ducts and correct the seal. Leaky air ducts can reduce heating and cooling system efficiency from 20 to 45 percent in commercial systems. Sealing the ducts will help with the efficiency of the systems as well as the indoor air quality, saving your organization resources and providing a safer workplace.

Before air vent cleaning and sealing by Clear Air Enviro-ServicesAfter Air Vent Cleaning and Sealing by Clear Air Enviro-Services

Why Fix It If It Isn’t Broken?

Great question. Your organization may lean towards cleaning and sealing the air ducts as it becomes absolutely necessary to the health and safety of those around you. If there ever comes a time, however, where the air ducts are a health hazard and would require a non-anticipated shut down, your business may be out more resources than taking care of the system on your own time and your planned dime. Scheduling a regular, preventative air duct maintenance cleaning can ultimately save your organization by consistently getting ahead of air quality issues as well as leaky duct inefficiencies. 

We Can Help

Clear Air Enviro-Services sets itself apart by seeing the system as a whole. If you go to wipe down your kitchen counter, do you just wipe down half or do you wipe down the whole thing? Of course, common sense says you wipe down the whole table. That is exactly how we look at our air duct cleaning services. We take pride in cleaning from the moment the air enters your building to the moment it leaves. There is not a part of the system that we leave behind in our cleaning procedures. 

Reach out to Clear Air Enviro-Services today to discuss your air duct cleaning and sealing needs! We will provide an initial assessment and provide a schedule for how often your system should be inspected and cleaned. While the typical building needs to have their air ducts inspected every 3 years and cleaned every 5 years, some buildings require more regular maintenance to keep their ducts clear and their HVAC system operating at its best. Our organization is NADCA associated and trained to keep your building in tip top shape.