Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC) Cleaning
Keeping Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC) units clean is critical to the unit’s operation and efficiency. Industry studies show regular deep cleaning of PTAC units offers significant financial savings to owners. Clear Air Enviro-Services offers proper maintenance cleaning to extend the life of your units and ensures they are in peak condition for the future.
What The Process Looks Like
Once set up, cleaning each unit takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Our team of technicians pulls out the unit to vacuum, spray with a coil cleaner called Simple Green, wipe it down, clean the coils, and put the unit back in place. We bring a cart with everything we need to complete the task. During the cleaning, the unit can not be in use.
When This Service Is Needed
This service is needed when rooms with PTAC units start to give off an unusual smell or after construction/remodeling to ensure the unit is free of dust and debris.