Computer Room Overhead / Top-Down Cleaning


Cable trays, ductwork, piping, and lighting fixtures collect harmful dust particles from the particulates in the environment. It is vital to clean these areas regularly to prevent harmful buildup from accumulating over time. Dust particles can work their way into every tiny crevice in the room and settle into places that are difficult to reach but harmful to the operation of your data center. We recommend top-down cleaning bi-annually as a preventative measure. Included in overhead/top-down cleaning are the walls and floors, We clean the entire surface of the ceiling and everything hanging from the ceiling in addition to the walls themselves and the tops of the server racks. We will also clean the floors when we are finished, leaving the entire facility clean and clear of dust and debris.

How the Overhead / Top-Down Cleaning Process Works

Our team uses antistatic and grounded cleaning equipment to remove the dust from the ceiling to the floor. This process takes time and we will work in sections to stay out of your team’s way as possible. The first time your facility is cleaned, it will likely take the longest depending on how long it has been since your computer room was last cleaned. We will do a walk-through prior to starting to discuss the plan for the cleaning process and all of the areas that we will cover and identify any problem areas or areas that we need to avoid for various reasons. We have a debris capture plan that will remove the dust and debris without dispersing it throughout the air for it to settle later. We clean from the ceiling down to the floor so as we work we pull everything down.

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When Overhead / Top-Down Cleaning is Needed

Overhead Cleaning is needed on a bi-annual basis for most facilities. Dust accumulates quickly and it needs to be removed before the buildup becomes harmful. The process will likely take less time after the first cleaning and will keep the particulates in your facility to a minimum.

Schedule a Facility Walkthrough

We offer onsite consultations at your facility.