The 8 Services That Should Be On Your Annual Maintenance Cleaning Checklist

Annual maintenance cleaning is vital to a successful business operation no matter what industry you are in. There are several services that are applicable across all industries and they shouldn’t be put off if you want to maintain a clean, safe, and clean environment for your employees, customers and equipment.

#1 Air Handler Cleaning

Air Handler Cleaning needs to be done on an annual basis for many industries, but at a minimum, the air handler unit should be inspected yearly.

#2 Cooling Tower Cleaning Twice a Year

Cooling Towers need to be cleaned twice a year, once at the beginning of the cooling season and once at the end of the cooling season. Cooling towers harbor harmful bacteria and it is vital that they are cleaned regularly so that it doesn’t spread to the rest of the HVAC system and begin infecting the people in the building. Cooling towers are also breeding grounds for mold and get quite grimy throughout the operating season. After sitting dormant all winter long, they need to be cleaned as well to ensure that any build-up that gets in during the cooler months won’t create a harmful situation for the machine itself and the people in the building it services. If you live in a warmer climate where you have warmer weather throughout the majority of the year, we still recommend that the system is cleaned every six months.

#3 Top-Down / Overhead Cleaning

Top-Down or Overhead Cleaning is important for every building’s interior, especially manufacturing and industrial facilities. At a minimum, these services should be provided once a year, and more often if you manufacture or produce products that leave a lot of debris behind such as soot or dust. Top-down cleaning can actually improve the morale and health of your employees. If it is clinging to the walls and ceilings, it is also in the air that your employees are breathing. If the build-up on your surfaces happens quickly, you should consider a collection system that can help remove this particle from the air at the source of production. For many of our customers, we provide cleaning services for these as well. If you are in need of equipment to correct the problem, our sister company, Midwest Industrial Products, can assist.

#4 Dust / Combustible Dust Removal

Dust removal is done as part of our top-down cleaning, but for some industries it is required more than once a year. Our team can help put together a mitigation plan to help combat the threat of combustible dust, both throughout cleaning services and through our sister company’s products for dust collection. Oftentimes the system isn’t enough on its own and we need to couple it with manual cleanings for the highest level of safety. The collection systems work very well but there are always particles that escape and need to be cleaned off manually from surfaces once the dust becomes thicker than a dime, especially if it is combustible.

#5 Process Exhaust / Collection System Cleaning (Dust, Smoke, Particle, Exhaust)

Collection systems need to be cleaned just as the building they are in does. It is important to have them inspected regularly and to have them cleaned on a constant basis to ensure that they are working as efficiently and as safely as possible.

#6 Pressure Washing / Dry Ice Blasting

Whether it is the outside of your building, stationary and dangerous to use liquid cleaners on, or a hard-to-reach area, we can clean it. Our pressure washing and dry ice blasting services work on the toughest and most sensitive areas and get them completely clean and sanitized.

#7 HVAC Inspection and spot mitigation or Full Ventilation Cleaning

HVAC Inspections should be done twice a year. It is important to ensure that the system is running well so that your indoor air quality is good and your energy use is as optimized as it can be. We don’t have to clean the entire system every six months, however, if an issue is found, we can mitigate the affected area and then mark it for a special inspection the next time we return to inspect the entire system. It is time for a full ventilation cleaning (every 2-5 years depending on the business, material use, etc.) 

#8 HVAC Coil Cleaning

Having your coils cleaned at least twice a year is vital to the health of your HVAC system. Ensuring that the coils are cleaned properly and frequently will not only improve the lifecycle of your system but it will also ensure that you are breathing clean, clear air. 

Ready to get your annual schedule set up? Schedule your facility walkthrough today!

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